Accounting Convergence Among Public Companies Research Proposal

Total Length: 624 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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As, the Delphi methodology will help us to determine the various opinions of the experts. While qualitative research will organize these views and allow us to study different aspects of the problem. This is the point that we will be taking a more balanced approach in dealing with these issues. (What is Qualitative Research 2010)

Purpose/Perceived Value

The purpose of this study will help us to understand specific factors. That are affecting why so many businesses, are opposed to implementation of IFRS standards. Once this takes place, we will then look at possible solutions for addressing these issues and what steps can be taken to increase compliance. These elements are important, because the combination of them will help us to understand all aspects of the problem. This is the point that we will have a full comprehension of the issues and the challenges associated with implementing any kind of changes. The reason why, is because we are examining all of the different viewpoints to understand what is happening.
This will help us to look for solutions that will specifically address these issues, while taking into account the viewpoint of all sides. This is when we are increasing the value of the study by: objectively examining a number of factors surrounding noncompliance and how to deal with these issues. In the future, regulators and executives could use this information to decide how changes should be implemented inside their own organizations. Bibliography Delphi Method, 2011, Business Dictionary. Available from: [29 September 2011] The Path to IFRS Conversion, 2010, Deloitte and Touche. Summaries of International Reporting Standards, 2011, Deloitte. Available from: [29 September 2011]. What is Qualitative Research, 2011, QSR International. Available from: [29 September 2011] Lamoreux, M, 2011, New IASB Leader, IFRS. Available from: [29 September 2011].....

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